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Hello, my name is Michael Lawton and I am Muscle Mender Sports MassageTherapy.

I hold a Diploma in Sports Massage Therapy and treat a wide range of
muscular and joint related conditions. I live in Doncaster and work from my treatment room at home.

My treatments are not just for ‘sporty people’ but cover a diverse range of ages and fitness levels; from individuals who are suffering from sport related injuries and require remedial treatment, others who have general aches and pains as a result of everyday living, through to those with medical conditions whereby deep tissue massage offers benefits in aiding joint mobility and suppleness.

Through many years of having an active lifestyle, I have suffered myself with mobility and joint related issues. I fully understand how debilitating and limiting this can be.  My aim through Sports Massage is to help others to regain full fitness or to aid them to have as fully mobile life as possible.

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